Conservation Planning
One of the main functions of Mauna Kea SWCD is to control/prevent soil erosion and sedimentation from agricultural activities related to soil and/or vegetation disturbance. We assist in implementing the Hawai'i County Grading Ordinance (Ch. 10) on agricultural land.
- Grading: moving, tilling, or disturbing soil through fill or excavation (100 cubic yards)
- Grubbing: removing, dislodging, uprooting vegetation (1 acre)
Grading and Grubbing (G&G) permit is required if ground and/or soil disturbance is more than 1 acre or 100 cubic yards. Becoming a cooperator with Mauna Kea SWCD and creating an approved conservation plan you would be exempt from applying for a G&G permit but must follow Hawaiʻi County Grading Ordinance.
- Evaluates impacts of agriculture activities on the land
- Goal: reduce or eliminate soil erosion from agriculture activities
- Address natural resource concerns
- crop, grazing, wildlife habitat, forestry
- Utilize conservation practices to address resource concerns
- Improve operation and saves money and time
- Natural resources available for future use
- G&G permit application exemptions for agriculture producers
Interested in more information on creating a conservation plan, please contact us.